• Fun time with the children

    Fun time with the children

    Sponsors having a fun time with the children

Conservation & Girls Child Education

We are focusing on Education, Health and Sanitation, access to clean water, and sustainable development in Albert Region. Education is very important for every child whether boy or girl.

It’s sad that some communities in Uganda, still discriminate against the education of the girls child. Children are still struggling to go to school due to the lack of financial support, cultural belief, early child marriages, diseases, far school premises, lack of proper sensitization in the local communities, many parents worry about girls travelling long distances on their own.

Many parents also prefer to have daughters taught by women. 95% of the 18.5 million children are not getting a primary school education mostly in rural area. Girls make up 55% of the total and were often the victims of rape and other sexual violence that accompanies armed conflicts, at Mubaku Community Conservation Organization, we look at some of the reasons why girls should get an education.

Mubaku Adungu Project (MAP)